Strona 10 z 13
Conference fee
The MET’2013 Conference fee should be paid by August 31st, to the account of the conference co-organizers:
Fundacja Politechniki Warszawskiej-Warsaw University of Technology Foundation
02-008 Warszawa
ul.Koszykowa 80
No. IBAN; PL 19 10201127 0000 1202 0219 6905
Name of the conference ‘MET’2013’ and the full name of the participant (that the payment refers to) must be included in a bank transfer confirmation.
The fees:
- *single room - 400 Euro
- double room - 350 Euro (shared for 2 persons)
*limited number of single rooms
The participation fee includes:
- accommodation
- full board
- conference service
- conference materials and accompanying events
- transport: Warsaw-conference venue and return